
Sit down...buckle up....and for goodness sakes...HOLD ON!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Make it unique!

I was online looking at some bags. I won't say by who. But they were utterly outrageous! I thought...I could make those! So....I took some black fabric I had already, some batting I had from a previous project as well and made my own.

To make the bag: I traced a purse I already owned on white paper and used it as a pattern. (Basically 4 squares of black+2 squares of batting=a layer of fabric, batting, fabric, fabric, batting, and fabric. In that order.) Hem the top of the squares then sew the squares together (bag should be inside out). Turn it right side out and you're done!

For the rest: I found a stencil online of a Marilyn Monroe looking person. Printed it. Cut out the picture and placed it on my bag. Then sprayed it with fabric paint from Hobby Lobby. I added a magnetic clasp, also from HL, and hot glued a button over it.
Very cute and simple and not $45! :)


I made a delicious steak for dinner last night. Soooo simple. I didn't think that I could do it but I did and was thrilled!
What I did was....
1. Purchase steak from store (I chose a small filet mignon wrapped in bacon).
2. Pour a little olive oil in a medium-ish skillet over medium heat.
3. While heating the oil, preheat oven to 450 and season steak with some salt and pepper.
4. Gently place the steak in your skillet. (If it doesn't sizzle, it's not ready.)
5. Cook for about 4 minutes on each side.
6. Put that skillet, or another oven proof one, in the 450 degree oven for about 6 minutes.
And wha-la! A great home-made, super cheaper steak in under 30 minutes!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help Out!!

Due to the recent events in Haiti, it reminded me how important it is to get the word out and support those in need. The American Red Cross has been around for ages and you can always volunteer time, food, or clothing if you can't spare the money. Check it out and help someone today!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Painting fun!!!

For this project I used 8x10 canvas ($6 for 3 of them), acrylics (left over from a college art class), cardboard cutouts of shapes (leaf and butterfly, get some great  free stencils), and masking tape.
Tape down the stencils and paint around them or tape off some stripes and paint around them...very easy stuff. And super fun!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sew fun!

I made this bag with some spare fabric and a sewing machine...pretty self-explanatory. Just sew a couple squares together and add a handle. Now, no one matches me!!!


I took some time to get back to my crafty roots and do some paper mache. I just covered the mache over a bowl I had in the kitchen, let it dry for a couple days, then painted it. TA-DA!
Get back to your childhood and make one too. You can really mold anything.

Things I LOVE (online)!!!!!!

I love...
http://www.etsy.com/ A handmade marketplace
http://www.ebay.com/ Random stuff I should never buy but do. cheap.
http://www.google.com/ You can find ANYTHINGGGGGG!
http://www.facebook.com/ Re-connecting with friends is never a bad thing.
http://www.hobbylobby.com/ I LOVEEEEEE!!!! creative projects.
http://www.craigslist.com/ good local listings...if you aren't being scammed. look out.
http://www.converse.com/ make your own...really....do it.
http://www.xtranormal.com/ make your own movie...if you can type, you can make a movie!
http://www.howaboutorange.blogspot.com/ a pretty good blog about crafting and tons of other things...fun
http://www.youtube.com/ look up old commercials...it's hilarious!
http://www.pogo.com/ good for playing some games if you get bored, and you get to play with real people.
http://cp.c-ij.com/en/ canon has some creative activities for big kids and little ones.
http://www.amazon.com/ buy, sell, buy!!!! amazing amazon.


I hope that if you need something to do today, check these out. Very entertaining to say the least. I will add more as I think of them. Please feel free to add your own.

Here goes...

I decided to start a blog because, honestly, I'm pretty bored. I have read a few other blogs that I rather enjoyed and I thought to myself, "I can do this....why not!". I tend to think that I can spell fairly well, I have ok grammar, I am pretty funny....sounds like the makings of a fantastic blogging experience to me.
What I do...
I am in my 20's. I have a career. I have graduated college. I have no children, no pets, unmarried. I have been in a committed relationship for a few years.
I claim to know what I need to know to get by. I don't know everything but I am incredibly opinionated. I tend to be somewhat Liberal but at times stand very close to the fence. I don't place myself in any particular religious group but I do not assume that anyone else's is wrong by any means. I like to discuss life in general and am hopeful that one day, I will leave my positive mark on the world...still not sure what that will be.
So...that's a little about me. I envision this blog being a little humor for your day to day. I like to do some crafting, sewing, and beading so I am happy to share those things here as well.
If anyone has any suggestions, comments, or problems, I am happy to accept them as well.
Happy reading!